Learning Workshop, Cliff Lodge, Snowbird, Utah, April 6-9, 2010


Tuesday, April 6
16:00 Registration
18:00 Dinner
19:00 Oral Session 1
19:00 FOLS: Factorized Orthogonal Latent Spaces
Mathieu Salzmann and Carl Henrik Ek and Raquel Urtasun and Trevor Darrell
19:20 Collaborative, Structured, and Hierarchical Sparse Image Models
Guillermo Sapiro (U. Minnesota)
20:00 Break
20:20 Third-Order Edge Statistics Reveal Curvature Dependency
Matthew Lawlor and Steven W. Zucker
20:40 Proximal Methods for Sparse Hierarchical Dictionary Learning
Rodolphe Jenatton and Julien Mairal and Guillaume Obozinski and Francis Bach
21:00 Deep Learning on GPUs with Theano
James Bergstra and Olivier Breuleux and Frédéric Bastien and Pascal Lamblin and Joseph Turian and Guillaume Desjardins and Razvan Pascanu and Dumitru Erhan and Olivier Delalleau and Yoshua Bengio
21:20 Adjourn
Wednesday, April 7
10:30 Oral Session 2
10:30 Graphical Modeling and Inference with Perfect Graphs
Tony Jebara
10:50 A Collective Approach to Graph Identification
Galileo Namata and Lise Getoor
11:10 Can computer vision help us understand biological vision?
Mitya Chkolvskii (HHMI Janelia Farm)
11:50 Break
12:10 Inverse Reinforcement Learning for Following Instructions
Nicholas Roy and Thomas Kollar and Stefanie Tellex (MIT)
12:50 Learning low-dimensional Lagrangian models of high-dimensional trajectories via Fermat Components Analysis
Paul Vernaza and Daniel D. Lee
13:10 Learning Deep Inference Machines
J. Andrew Bagnell and Alex Grubb and Daniel Munoz and Stephane Ross
13:30 Lunch, Golden Cliff
18:30 Dinner, Golden Cliff
19:30-22:00 Poster Session A
Thursday, April 8
07:00 Breakfast
08:00 Oral Session 2
08:00 Early attention-related mechanisms integrate information about stimulus statistics and reward
P. Kallerhoff and A. Hollaender and J.-D. Haynes and K. Obermayer
08:20 Efficient Sequence Classification with Spatial Representations
Pavel Kuksa and Vladimir Pavlovic
08:40 Learning local spatio-temporal features for activity recognition
Graham W. Taylor and Chris Bregler
09:00 Are categories necessary for recognition?
Alyosha Efros (CMU)
09:40 Break
10:00 Double Feature!
1. Human versus machine: comparing visual object recognition systems on a level playing field
Nicolas Pinto (MIT) with Najib J. Majaj, Youssef Barhomi, Ethan A. Solomon, David D. Cox & James J. DiCarlo

2. A High-Throughput Screening Approach to Biologically-Inspired Object Recognition
David Cox (Harvard), with Nicolas Pinto and James J. DiCarlo
10:40 Web Scale Image Annotation: Learning to Rank with Joint Word-Image Embeddings
Jason Weston and Samy Bengio and Nicolas Usunier
11:00 Analysis of Feature Learning and Feature Pooling for Image Recognition
Y-Lan Boureau, Francis Bach, Yann LeCun, and Jean Ponce
11:20 Lunch, Golden Cliff
17:30 Dinner, Golden Cliff
19:00-22:00 Poster Session B
Friday, April 9
07:00 Breakfast
08:00 Oral Session 2
08:00 Markov Logic Networks: A Step Towards a Unified Theory of Learning and Cognition
Pedro Domingos (U. Washington)
08:40 Learning with Privileged Information: New Optimization Algorithms and Applications
Dmitry Pechyony and Leon Bottou and Vladimir Vapnik
09:00 A fast natural Newton method
Nicolas Le Roux and Andrew Fitzgibbon
09:20 Deep Segmentation Networks
Nicolas Le Roux and Nicolas Heess and Jamie Shotton and John Winn
09:40 Break
10:00 Object Detection Grammars
Pedro Felzenszwalb and David McAllester (U. Chicago, TTI-C)
10:40 Weak Recovery Conditions using Graph Partitioning Bounds
Alexandre d'Aspremont and Noureddine El Karoui
11:00 Answering Reading Comprehension Tests using Multi-View Regression
Dean Foster and Daniel Kim and Andrew Pak and Lyle Ungar
11:20 Tracking Climate Models
Claire Monteleoni and Shailesh Saroha and Gavin Schmidt
11:40 Lunch, Golden Cliff
17:30 Banquet, Golden Cliff
19:30 An Iterative Path Integral Reinforcement Learning Approach
Evangelos Theodorou, Jonas Buchli, Freek Stulp, and Stefan Schaal (USC)
20:10 Identifying People based on their Motion Signature
George Williams, Graham W. Taylor, Ian Spiro, Chris Bregler